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[墨尔本] Oz Comic-Con 漫展7月5-6日墨尔本火爆开幕!!!

发表于 2014-7-3 11:05:19 | |阅读模式
地址:Royal Exhibition Building

即将与7月5-6日墨尔本Royal Exhibition Building 举办的Oz Comicc-Con 漫展进入最后的倒计时了!参展团队可谓包罗万象,"Star Trek," "Once Upon a Time," "Alien," "Veronica Mars," "A Nightmare on Elm Street," "X-Men", "Doctor Who", "Stargate"等等等等!这是澳洲规模最大的一次漫展!特别节目也将更加精彩刺激!12岁及以下的儿童全部免费!作为流行文化粉,你还在等什么呢?

如果你想要更好的参与这次活动,不妨考虑白金卡或者Richard Dean Anderson 体验票,持此票可获得各种优先,节约时间。



周六Cosplay 场:

Saturday – Cosplay Parade

Saturday, Stage 1, 4PM
Registration 10am to 12pm Cosplay registration desk, left of the main entrance
Ist Prize a $100 Spotlight gift voucher
2nd Prize a $50 Spotlight gift voucher

Sunday – Kids Cosplay Parade
Sunday, Stage 2, 3PM
No Registration required

Sunday – Cosplay Competition
Sunday, Stage 2, 3:30PM

Registration 10am to 1pm Cosplay registration desk, left of the main entrance


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