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[悉尼] 我们的童鞋被抢劫并且被殴打虐待到重伤在火车上,无人帮助,整个尽力请看最后link

发表于 2012-4-23 16:03:24 |
回复@董天则:你可以这么镇定自若的评论 很像是你或者身边人从未此类暴力事件 不同角度看问题是对的 但是我想更关注的是此次事件是很多针对亚洲人 其中包括很多中国学生的暴力事件之一 可能是发达国家也有的hating the rich 但更多是关于racism!如果他们被暴力抢劫归于

来自 Richard草 的新浪微博
发表于 2012-4-23 16:03:24 |
i've been googling' Chinese students beaten/robbed/ wolli creek /train/ sydney' and there wasn't anything there.This happened in Australia so if they want more people to support them and finally bring the gang to justice they probably should write something in another platform

来自 董天则 的新浪微博
发表于 2012-4-23 16:03:24 |
欢迎明天早上收听澳广对@Xuan皓事件的采访报道。//@船舶wn: //@ABC澳洲广播电台: 多谢各位网友积极联系,目前澳广中文部主任方腾正在播音室采访@Xuan皓的朋友进一步了解事情经过。 再转不评论@ABC澳洲广播电台 @澳洲千百度官方微博 @澳洲新南威尔士大学 @陆克文议员

来自 ABC澳洲广播电台 的新浪微博
发表于 2012-4-23 16:03:24 |
回复@Richard草: my car was broken into before. the burglar broke one window and took some valuables from the car including an iphone 3gs. i leave the phone on the driver's seat. if i didn't the burglar wouldn't have seen it and want to steal it. this is a two way street.

来自 董天则 的新浪微博
发表于 2012-4-23 16:03:24 |
回复@Richard草:and many aussies students from the uni are very nice to asian students. many of them are against racism and they thought that asian students are very smart. i've been in melbourne for 4 years and never feel being discriminated.

来自 董天则 的新浪微博
发表于 2012-4-23 16:03:24 |
回复@董天则:they didn't tell the security before the robbery 说他们生存能力有问题 我只能是说 祝你这个强者survive下去 而希望其他所有生存能力差的人 包括我 以后注意安全 我们要发出声音让racist知道我们不是任人欺负的弱者

来自 Richard草 的新浪微博
发表于 2012-4-23 16:03:24 |
回复@Richard草:this is a great point of view. i am not a strong survivor. i saw those things in some where... i can't remember. that says stay in the first carriage when traveling at night and there is a red bottom to press during emergency.

来自 董天则 的新浪微博
发表于 2012-4-23 16:03:24 |
回复@Richard草:after my car was broken in to two police officers came to the scene (took a while, around 40 mins) and carefully investigated the car and give me a report. they were helpful. they called me 3 times after that to ask for serial number for the phone

来自 董天则 的新浪微博
发表于 2012-4-23 16:03:24 |
回复@Richard草:and they called in to ask me if I feel secure at home (the car was broken into the third day when i moved to this new place). they even send me a pack of brochures that teaches me how to avoid being robbed and a cloth that says no valuables are left in the car

来自 董天则 的新浪微博
发表于 2012-4-23 16:03:24 |
回复@Richard草:for me to leave under the wind screen so burglars know that there aren't anything to steal. so when bad things happens we should know we did something wrong as well. like i shouldn't park on the street when there's a garage that can be locked.

来自 董天则 的新浪微博
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